Saturday, February 22

Tag: Hendo

Hold On To Your Hats (And Wear a Helmet)! The Hovercrafts Have Arrived.

Hold On To Your Hats (And Wear a Helmet)! The Hovercrafts Have Arrived.

Technology, Videos
The future is here! Just like out childhood cartoons promised us, we now have hovercraft technology. About time, right? The Hendo Hoverboard uses a magnetic field that allows it, and a full-sized human on top, to defy gravity and hover above the ground. Despite Earnshaw's theorem, which says that equilibrium can never be reached between two magnets, the Hendo uses a principle called magnetic field architecture to create stabilized movement. The board can be also propelled forward using this principle, and the Hendo was designed to react smoothly and naturally to the user's motions. To be technical, this technology already exists with high-speed rail, which uses electromagnetic currents to float the cars above the tracks, eliminating friction and allowing for a smooth, fast ride. The
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