Saturday, January 18

Tag: clothing

3D Printed Fashion Might Just Be The New Way to Shop for Clothes

3D Printed Fashion Might Just Be The New Way to Shop for Clothes

3D printing is the new frontier when it comes to manufacturing. 3D printers can create everything from electronic components to building materials. You can just print them out. The technology makes all kinds of items more available and allows for materials to be spread to larger audiences. Typically, 3D printing is associated with hard, plasticky items, but what if we used different materials? That's what designer Mary Huang thought when she heard about 3D printers becoming more affordable."I thought that the most logical thing to try to print would be something like a pair of shoes — so you could download your shoes at night, and get new shoes in the morning," she told Mashable. One of the shoes available at Continuum. Mary Huang/Continuum Another shoe des
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