Thursday, March 27

Swedish recycling system is so advanced, the nation has run out of rubbish!

The Swedish recycling system is so cutting edge, they have to import waste from several other countries around the world to continue to keep their recycling facilities up and running.

Sweden is a top performer when it comes to sorting and recycling its waste and is in the rare situation of lacking garbage at its incineration centres, which produce enough electricity to supply 250,000 homes and heating for 950,000 homes (Getty)

Less than 1 per cent of Swedish domestic waste products was directed to landfill since 2011.

The Swedish recycling system is a top rated performer when it comes to sorting and recycling its waste materials and is in the scarce predicament of being in in short supply of rubbish at its incineration centres, that typically generate sufficient electric power to provide 250,000 households and home heating for nearly a Million households

In recent times, Sweden has put in place a cohesive nationwide recycling scheme so that even though privately owned businesses carry out the majority of of the work of importing and making use of waste materials, the power goes directly into a nationwide heating system to heat up dwellings throughout the very cold Swedish winter season.

“That is a major reason that we have this district network, so we can make use of the heating from the waste plants. In the southern part of Europe they don’t make use of the heating from the waste, it just goes out the chimney. Here we use it as a substitute for fossil fuel,” Ms Gripwell says.

Swedish cities are independently making an investment in highly advanced rubbish gathering methods, such as automatic vacuum equipment inside housing blocks, eliminating the requirement for collection and transfer, as well as subterranean container facilities that free up street space and do away with any kind of smells.

You can read the full article here:

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