Saturday, February 22

Seabin Project Gets Support From Finnish Company In Their Battle Against Ocean Plastic Pollution

The Seabin Project is a floating trash bin that typically is situated in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs as well as commercial ports, gathering up just about all floating waste materials.

Water is drawn in from the surface which then passes through a catch bag filtration system on the inside of the Seabin. The water is subsequently pumped back into the sea leaving behind trash and rubbish captured in the catch container to be disposed of appropriately.

The Seabin at the same time has got the potential to pick up a portion of oils and pollutants floating on the sea surface. The power team at the Seabin Project, led by young Aussie Social Entrpreneurs and founders Andrew Turton Pete Ceglinski are at the moment making use of 12 volt submersible water pumping systems, which will come with the choice to make use of alternative and cleaner power options. This may well be utilising solar, wave or wind energy technologies based upon on the geographical location and present technological innovations readily available.

PHOTO Supplied: Seabin: Seabin founders Andrew Turton (left) and Pete Ceglinski (right)

The Seabin Project has recently settled a deal with The Finnish technological innovations giant Wärtsilä to be a part of their worldwide pilot programme, which specifically tackles the global plastic littering crisis impacting on our oceans. The enterprise strives to tackle the difficult task from various angles with a major focus on education, research and technology.

Wärtsilä will work in cooperation with the Seabin Project for three years and has sponsored both the city and port of Helsinki’s participation in the programme. The collaboration aims at active and functional measures making use of Wärtsilä’s expertise, proven technological know-how as well as their proven skills in ecological product design.

The relationship with the Seabin Project is a component of Wärtsilä Corporation’s Finland 100 year centennial programme. The firm is commemorating 100 years of Finland’s independence by giving back to the nation, an aspect of which is the sponsorship of the city and port of Helsinki.

The Seabin Project’s worldwide pilot programme is going to be launched in the first half of 2017 with the demonstration and setup of the most recent prototype (V5 Hybrid) in various spots around the world. Helsinki will be just one of these places and is so far the only one in the Nordic countries. Throughout the 3 month testing time span, operator practical experience and information will be collected from the pilot partners prior to commercial sales of the Seabins begin.

ABC’s Foreign Correspondent Lisa Millar just made a great doco on the Seabin Project’s struggle to to get up and running – well worth a watch at:

And you can check out and contribute to their Seabin Project crowdfunding campaign at:

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