Sunday, March 30


This New Jersey Farm Is Using Cloth And LED Lighting To Grow The Freshest Veggies

This New Jersey Farm Is Using Cloth And LED Lighting To Grow The Freshest Veggies

Sustainability, Videos
You may have heard of corn that will be knee-high by the fourth of July, but this New Jersey farm has greater expectations. AeroFarms, located in Newark, New Jersey, is in the process of redefining agriculture. The basis of AeroFarms is to bring fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables to cities that might not have the agricultural means for traditional farming. These farms tower over 30 feet high and specialize in aeroponic technology. To put that in less scientific terms, these fruits and veggies don't require soil to grow, and they use significantly less water than traditional farms and gardens. Could this change the face of farming as we know it? Check out the video below to learn more. The world is rapidly changing, and our practices have to change along with it if we ...
A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

Environment, Reviews, Sustainability, Videos
The revelations made in this excellent new documentary film A Plastic Ocean, are to say the least dire and show the human race's staggering disregard for it's environment and all the innocent species who have no choice but to share it with us. 'A Plastic Ocean'? What could possibly be 'Mighty Good News' about that we hear you ask. Read on..... The 'Mighty Good News' is the fact that, fortunately, a small number of humans have invested the time, money and commendable effort to make this timely and hopefully, world changing film. A Mighty Good News Honest Review We, as a race, are solely responsible for the problem of plastic in our world, a vast amount of which ends up in our waterways and ultimately in our precious oceans and most of which we have created in only the last 50 years ...
Solar Power – How Fast Is The Revolution Happening?

Solar Power – How Fast Is The Revolution Happening?

Sustainability, Videos
For a number of years, electrical energy derived from solar power has been quite definitely disliked from a cost-benefit point of view, but circumstances are beginning to turn this viewpoint around for the modern technology of photo voltaic power. Around the globe, advancements are rapidly being achieved to make solar energy a feasible alternate option that now genuinely promises to end our dependency on the use fossil fuels. Currently solar power practices include things like the use of photovoltaic systems, focused solar energy and solar water heating systems to harness the sun's energy. Passive solar methods can include orienting a building towards the Sun, choosing the materials with beneficial thermal mass or light-dispersing attributes and creating spaces that naturally circul
The Lilium Flying Car – The world’s very first all-electric VTOL aircraft

The Lilium Flying Car – The world’s very first all-electric VTOL aircraft

Technology, Videos
Way back in 1894, Otto Lilienthal started experimentation with the earliest gliders and envisioned the day when all of us would be able to fly anywhere we desire, anytime we need. The Lilium Jet Flying Car is transforming that vision into the real world by planning to provide personalised, environmentally friendly as well as cost effective air commuting to all of us. The Lilium Jet Flying Car safely and effectively accomplished its first test flight series in the sky over Bavaria. The 2-seater Eagle Flying Car prototype performed a variety of challenging maneuvers, among them its special mid-air changeover from hovering to wing-borne fast forward flying. The Lilium Jet Flying Car will help us travel around 5 times quicker compared with a family car and will be the planet's very f...
Hold On To Your Hats (And Wear a Helmet)! The Hovercrafts Have Arrived.

Hold On To Your Hats (And Wear a Helmet)! The Hovercrafts Have Arrived.

Technology, Videos
The future is here! Just like out childhood cartoons promised us, we now have hovercraft technology. About time, right? The Hendo Hoverboard uses a magnetic field that allows it, and a full-sized human on top, to defy gravity and hover above the ground. Despite Earnshaw's theorem, which says that equilibrium can never be reached between two magnets, the Hendo uses a principle called magnetic field architecture to create stabilized movement. The board can be also propelled forward using this principle, and the Hendo was designed to react smoothly and naturally to the user's motions. To be technical, this technology already exists with high-speed rail, which uses electromagnetic currents to float the cars above the tracks, eliminating friction and allowing for a smooth, fast ride. The
Seabin Project Gets Support From Finnish Company In Their Battle Against Ocean Plastic Pollution

Seabin Project Gets Support From Finnish Company In Their Battle Against Ocean Plastic Pollution

Business, Environment, Videos
The Seabin Project is a floating trash bin that typically is situated in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs as well as commercial ports, gathering up just about all floating waste materials. Water is drawn in from the surface which then passes through a catch bag filtration system on the inside of the Seabin. The water is subsequently pumped back into the sea leaving behind trash and rubbish captured in the catch container to be disposed of appropriately. The Seabin at the same time has got the potential to pick up a portion of oils and pollutants floating on the sea surface. The power team at the Seabin Project, led by young Aussie Social Entrpreneurs and founders Andrew Turton Pete Ceglinski are at the moment making use of 12 volt submersible water pumping systems, which ...
The Ear Bud Device That Translates Languages In Real Time!

The Ear Bud Device That Translates Languages In Real Time!

Technology, Videos
You may have seen the Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy famous 'Babel Fish' that when placed in the ear was able to immediately translate any language in the Universe? Well at last a similar concept has now come to reality (although it is not a fish!) Introducing the Ear Bud Device that translates languages In Real Time! Many of us have experienced the uncomfortable scenario of attempting to converse in a foreign language. Quite often it’s amusing but more often it’s awkward. And occasionally it’s utterly frustrating. But thanks to a brand new Ear Bud Device that translates languages in real time and incorporates an interpretation application which conveniently fits in your ear, the times of having problems conversing in a foreign language may soon be a thing of the past. The Ear
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