Tuesday, March 11


This New Jersey Farm Is Using Cloth And LED Lighting To Grow The Freshest Veggies

This New Jersey Farm Is Using Cloth And LED Lighting To Grow The Freshest Veggies

Sustainability, Videos
You may have heard of corn that will be knee-high by the fourth of July, but this New Jersey farm has greater expectations. AeroFarms, located in Newark, New Jersey, is in the process of redefining agriculture. The basis of AeroFarms is to bring fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables to cities that might not have the agricultural means for traditional farming. These farms tower over 30 feet high and specialize in aeroponic technology. To put that in less scientific terms, these fruits and veggies don't require soil to grow, and they use significantly less water than traditional farms and gardens. Could this change the face of farming as we know it? Check out the video below to learn more. The world is rapidly changing, and our practices have to change along with it if we ...
A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

Environment, Reviews, Sustainability, Videos
The revelations made in this excellent new documentary film A Plastic Ocean, are to say the least dire and show the human race's staggering disregard for it's environment and all the innocent species who have no choice but to share it with us. 'A Plastic Ocean'? What could possibly be 'Mighty Good News' about that we hear you ask. Read on..... The 'Mighty Good News' is the fact that, fortunately, a small number of humans have invested the time, money and commendable effort to make this timely and hopefully, world changing film. A Mighty Good News Honest Review We, as a race, are solely responsible for the problem of plastic in our world, a vast amount of which ends up in our waterways and ultimately in our precious oceans and most of which we have created in only the last 50 years ...
Solar Power – How Fast Is The Revolution Happening?

Solar Power – How Fast Is The Revolution Happening?

Sustainability, Videos
For a number of years, electrical energy derived from solar power has been quite definitely disliked from a cost-benefit point of view, but circumstances are beginning to turn this viewpoint around for the modern technology of photo voltaic power. Around the globe, advancements are rapidly being achieved to make solar energy a feasible alternate option that now genuinely promises to end our dependency on the use fossil fuels. Currently solar power practices include things like the use of photovoltaic systems, focused solar energy and solar water heating systems to harness the sun's energy. Passive solar methods can include orienting a building towards the Sun, choosing the materials with beneficial thermal mass or light-dispersing attributes and creating spaces that naturally circul
Vivid Blue Bicycle Lane That Is Recharged By The Sun

Vivid Blue Bicycle Lane That Is Recharged By The Sun

Poland has introduced a light emitting vivid blue bicycle lane that is recharged by the sun Poland recently showcased an extraordinary innovative bicycle path that is recharged by the sun and glows bright and vivid blue at night time! The pathway near Lidzbark Warminski is lit by phosphor, a man made material that will light up after it is recharged by the sun rays. Studio Roosegaarde’s Starry Night bike lane inspired TPA Instytut Badań Technicznych Sp. z o.o to come up with the glowing bicycle path. Chief executive Igor Ruttmar told Gazeta Wyborcza that the component in the cycle path will be able to send out light for about 10 hours. Every day the pathway is recharged by the sun and gathers the energy that allows it to shine overnight. Board of Regional Roads in Olsztyn dire
Swedish recycling system is so advanced, the nation has run out of rubbish!

Swedish recycling system is so advanced, the nation has run out of rubbish!

The Swedish recycling system is so cutting edge, they have to import waste from several other countries around the world to continue to keep their recycling facilities up and running. Less than 1 per cent of Swedish domestic waste products was directed to landfill since 2011. The Swedish recycling system is a top rated performer when it comes to sorting and recycling its waste materials and is in the scarce predicament of being in in short supply of rubbish at its incineration centres, that typically generate sufficient electric power to provide 250,000 households and home heating for nearly a Million households In recent times, Sweden has put in place a cohesive nationwide recycling scheme so that even though privately owned businesses carry out the majority of of the work of
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