Monday, September 16


A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

A Plastic Ocean Review and Movie Trailer

Environment, Reviews, Sustainability, Videos
The revelations made in this excellent new documentary film A Plastic Ocean, are to say the least dire and show the human race's staggering disregard for it's environment and all the innocent species who have no choice but to share it with us. 'A Plastic Ocean'? What could possibly be 'Mighty Good News' about that we hear you ask. Read on..... The 'Mighty Good News' is the fact that, fortunately, a small number of humans have invested the time, money and commendable effort to make this timely and hopefully, world changing film. A Mighty Good News Honest Review We, as a race, are solely responsible for the problem of plastic in our world, a vast amount of which ends up in our waterways and ultimately in our precious oceans and most of which we have created in only the last 50 years ...
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